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Keeping Students Safe in the Dominican Republic

In 2020, our main concern was helping our client communities stay safe amid a global pandemic. Throughout 2020 and 2021, we worked with our client communities to ensure that community members could still reach their community’s access points while social distancing, and that vulnerable populations had the resources they needed to maintain protective hygiene. As students around the world returned to school in 2021, keeping kids safe in school was a major challenge.

For teachers and students, staying safe during the pandemic was difficult enough without water stress – but in communities where safe water access was scarce, protective hygiene was exponentially more difficult. For our partner communities in the Dominican Republic, H2O4ALL’s Clean Hands Initiative made a world of difference when it came to keeping kids and teachers safe at school.


We joined forces with Wine to Water – our partners in our monumental filter initiative – to install handwashing stations in schools and medical centres in vulnerable communities. Throughout 2021, more than a dozen schools throughout the Dominican Republic received handwashing stations. With ready safe water and sanitation access, these schools were empowered to keep staff and students safe, helping to minimize the disruption to students’ education as their community recovered from the pandemic.

Watch this video to learn how access to a household filter changes the lives of families in the Dominican Republic

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Board Member

Abby is currently a member on the Board for for H20 4 ALL. She is a graduate from University of Portland with a major in civil engineering and currently works at a private engineering consulting firm. Abby has had international engineering project experiences, such as designing an irrigation system for a group of 600 women in Malawi, and installing biodigestors for a rural community in Ghana. She is super excited to be apart of H20 4 ALL’s mission and is passionate about clean water accessibility!