Creating Bright Futures in Zamah Village
Later in 2024, we’re joining forces with Ever Increasing Ministries, Pioneer Remnant Ministries, and Ignite The Nations to bring safe water to a small rural village in Margibi County, Liberia. Zamah Village is a community of about a hundred people facing extreme poverty and water insecurity.
Currently, the community’s main source of water is a nearby unprotected stream. Since this water is frequently contaminated, waterborne diseases are a constant problem for the community – especially for children. In a 2021 survey, many residents reported that their children had suffered from diarrhea and skin problems due to the community’s reliance on contaminated water.
In addition, many families in Zamah struggle to keep their children in school due to the burden of collecting water every day. Many children take up to five trips a day to collect water and frequently miss school as a result. Without access to education, children lose the opportunity to develop key skills, and break the cycle of poverty in their families.
In this year’s project, a brand-new water system will provide safe water access to more than a thousand people in Zamah and the surrounding communities. In addition, we’ll work with the community to educate residents on water system maintenance and sanitation, ensuring the community continues to benefit from the water source in the future. By working with the Zamah community to create sustainable safe water access, we can empower families in Zamah to build a brighter future for their children. le.